Customized Solutions for Your Business

Our solutions redefine convenience by making appointments seamless and stress-free. Wherever you are, scheduling and managing appointments has never been more effortless. Have a look at the solutions.


Admin Panel/portal gives order information such as pickup location, delivery location, ordered items, and also makes live tracking possible for customer. The software also empowers businesses to define virtual perimeters with a geo-fencing feature.


Delivery app gives order info such as pickup location, delivery location, ordered items, and also makes live tracking possible for customer. Geo-Fencing feature empowers businesses to define virtual perimeters and trigger location-based actions. Therefore it gets very easy to automate order pickups when customers enter a specified area to sending real-time notifications.


With intuitive appointment scheduling, automated reminders, and post-treatment follow-ups, UrApp aims to streamline the practitioner experience with scheduling needs. UrHealth ensures that appointments are convenient, and practitioner is able to provide required support to the clients throughout their dental care journey.


Our software for car maintenance services is tailored to optimize the appointment scheduling process, allowing customers to easily book service slots online. With integrated payment processing and automated check-out features, we ensure a hassle-free experience, reducing wait times and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

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